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We’re glad you are interested in becoming a member. At Grace Episcopal Church (Grace), you do not have to join the parish in a formal way in order to worship, attend classes, participate in activities and support financially the ministries of the parish.

All baptized Christians, adults and children, are always welcome to receive Communion. However, we invite you to consider becoming a member of Grace.

As you can see below, there are several ways to officially join Grace.

If you are already an Episcopalian or from another province of the Anglican Communion:

If you are or were a member of another Episcopal congregation, or were ever confirmed in an Episcopal Church, you can transfer your membership. Please see our Rector and give her the name and location of the church and the approximate dates of your membership or, if you were confirmed there, the approximate date of your confirmation, and we will send for a Letter of Transfer.

If you are a member of another Christian denomination:

If you were baptized with water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in any Christian denomination, you may become a baptized member of Grace Church. Please provide the Rector with your birth date and place and your baptismal date and place.

If you have not been baptized:

Please speak with our Rector to arrange a baptism. Baptisms are offered at regularly scheduled services on the feast days specified by the Book of Common Prayer and at the Rector’s discretion. Anyone baptized at Grace Church is a baptized member.

If you wish to be confirmed or received:

Adult members of the Episcopal Church are expected to have received Confirmation in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop. (BCP p. 860)

If you have belonged to another denomination, you may be either confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church. Confirmation instruction is offered annually. Speak with our Rector if you are interested in confirmation or reception.

Making a financial commitment:

The Book of Common Prayer says that the duty of all Christians is to follow Christ; to come together week by week for corporate worship; and to work, pray and give for the spread of the kingdom of God. (BCP p.856)

Our church canons state that to be a voting member one must, for six months prior to a parish election, be a regular attendant at the parish and a regular contributor to the current expenses of the parish. Members may make an annual pledge of financial support, either during the fall stewardship campaign or at any time during the year. Call the Church Office for a pledge form or offering envelopes.

Members in good standing:

A member in good standing is one whose baptism is entered in the parish register, who worships with us regularly and who is a contributor of record (by pledge or other identifiable contribution) to the general support of the parish.

Members in good standing are eligible to serve on the vestry and vote at the Annual Meeting.

Together we can make a difference in our community. Please feel free to donate to Grace Episcopal Church to help us grow our ministry and outreach.