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Worship With Us

We are a liturgical church in the Anglican Tradition. Worship for us goes beyond Sunday mornings and personal times of prayer. We are truly excited about our efforts to help those who cannot help themselves.

You can join us Sunday at 8:00 a.m. for our online service, or in church at 10:00 a.m. for a Holy Eucharist.

We invite you to discover the joy of the Lord in praying without ceasing (and having fun in the process). The red doors are open. Enter into the house of the Lord.

Our Services

 A church is more than a building. It is how we respond to the needs of others.

Online Services

We offer a service on Facebook Live on Sundays at 8 a.m. on the Grace Episcopal Church and NERM Facebook pages and on Wednesday nights at 8:30 on the NERM and Grace Episcopal Church Facebook pages.

Call 660-973-1421 for more information.

Facebook Page

Below you’ll find a schedule of our lectors for the next few months. We hope that you can join us for these services.


2 Rosina
9 George
16 Karen
23 Adrian


2 George
5 Karen Ash Wednesday
9 Rosina
16 Adrian
23 Karen
30 George


6 Rosina

13 Karen Palm Sunday

17 TBA Maundy Thursday

18 Rosina Good Friday

20 Adrian

27 George

Together we can make a difference in our community. Please feel free to donate to Grace Episcopal Church to help us grow our ministry and outreach.